Tuesday, April 21, 2020

September 6, 2017 Essays - Education, Assumption,

September 6, 2017 Quiz "Three Gates of Gold Analyze elements of memoir (Apply to Hughes) " Gover " your grammer mini test with Bar Chart For Friday Read "My Alter" memoir on Blackboard- Course content quiz. Look for an email, probably in A3011 Three Gates of Gold Is it true? Is it needful ? Is it kind? Title- Salvation 2 nd sentence fragment Make decision about time You have to have background Use symbols ( Simile , Metaphors, Personification) One line paragraph can be very effective Must have dialogue and people in your story Have a significant point 700-800 words max Memoir comes from the word memory Where and Setting Who? Dialogue What led up? Background and age For when? Climax ( Climax is when conflict has been resolved) Why? Why are we telling story, what is the significance of this story Do not give away point until very end What emotion do we want in reader, they need to feel our emotion Adverb modifies everything